Often, when people visit an eye doctor, they are confused about choosingbetween the traditional contact lenses and the new type of lenses calledthe spherical lenses. These two types of lenses are different in manyaspects, and I will explain them in detail here.

Firstly, we will discuss the traditional contact lenses:

What is a contact lens?

A contact lens is a thin, flexible plastic or glass object that sits on thefront part of your eyeball. It changes the refractive power of your naturallens and enables you to see clearly without glasses. It fits over thecolored part of your eye (cornea) like a cap.

There are soft type and complex type contact lenses. Inflexible contactlenses are additional stable than soft ones, and they can last for morethan one year. But, the quiet type is easier to wear and has a longer lifespan. To buyPlano opticsfrom an authenticspherical lens manufacturer, visit website.

Different Types of Spherical Lenses

Contact lenses arrive in various forms and dimensions. They are madeaccording to the prescription given by your eye doctor. There are multiplelenses, such as monofocal, multifocal, bifocals, trifocals, andprogressives. All these lenses are available in the market. But, each ofthem has its advantages and disadvantages. I will discuss each of thesetypes in detail here.

Monofocal Lenses:These lenses are designed for distance vision. You will see up close andfar away things when you wear them. But, these lenses may cause problemslike eye irritation and dryness. Therefore, these lenses should not be wornby people who have eye allergies.

Multifocal Lenses:These are also known as accommodating lenses. These types of lenses arebeneficial for computer users. It enables you to work for long hourswithout feeling any discomfort. You can see both far-away objects as wellas your computer screen. This type of lens is available in two differentforms; near focus (to see close objects) and far focus (to see far awaythings).

Bifocals Lenses:When it comes to bifocals, there are three different types. The most commonone is the standard bifocals with two foreign distance powers. In thiscase, you will have to replace your current pair of glasses with this typeof lenses. If you have old-fashioned bifocals, you should consider gettingprogressive bifocals. With these lenses, you will see both far away andclose things.

Trifocals Lenses:These are also known as 3-in-1 lenses because they have three differentdistance powers. These types of lenses are designed for computer users whoneed to see everything simultaneously. You can use this type of lens whendriving a car, working on your computer, or reading a book.

Progressive Lenses:These lenses are correspondingly comprehended as “toughened progressives”because they have extra strength compared to other types of contact lenses.This lens is handy for computer users. It has a progressive addition, whichwill add power according to your prescription.


There are several different types of spherical lenses available in themarket. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. I hope now youknow the differences among these types of lenses and have an idea about thesuitable lenses for you. These are the traditional type of lenses, and theyshould be the first choice of people who are not computer savvy.